The Prism

Identity Coaching

A journey of identity exploration for those seeking an authentic and purpose-led path.

What is The Prism?

The Prism is a one-of-a-kind program that employs clarity and creativity to understand who you are and create a strong foundation for your life’s work. Across three sessions, we’ll explore your story, your passions, your gifts, your purpose and your visual vibe. With artistry and precision, we’ll capture it all in a digital book—something you can reference for the rest of your life.

This process was born out of my own frustration with the coaching offerings on the market. I could never find a guide who could offer me something tangible that reflected back my essence. So I combined my skillsets—as a coach, creative and strategist —to create the program I always needed.

The Process

Our journey begins with a deep self-inquiry process, followed by 3 discovery sessions which include the topics below, all culminating in the delivery of a beautiful digital book that ties it all in a bow, plus workbook pages that help you build on this practice every 6 months into the future.

Human Design Reading

Human Design


Innate Gifts

Core Values

Your Story

Life Purpose Reading


Who It’s For

The Prism is for you if…

  • You often wonder about your purpose and the deeper meaning of your life

  • You wish you could articulate and build a life off of inner purpose or sacred calling

  • You feel called to create something but you’re not entirely sure what it is

  • Your lack of clarity means you have a lot of unfinished projects that lost their “oomph”

  • You’re a chameleon—able to shift your energy to suit others’ needs—and want a reminder of makes you you

  • You want to live a life of purpose without forsaking lifestyle and financial stability

Why Me?

As a Brand Strategist, I have made a career of my natural ability to SEE—people, patterns and potential. For more than a decade, I have been leading the brand identity process for businesses, collaborating with leaders and finding the golden threads of what they do, why they do it and how they’re different from anyone in the market.

Ever-fascinated by the nature of humans, I also built a simultaneous career in personal transformation with coaching, breathwork, IFS and hypnotherapy. I’ve honed my ability to offer a safe space for you to express your deepest self so we can unearth your purpose and potential and put it all into a verbal and visual structure that feels like coming home.

  • "I left feeling seen, re-inspired by who I am, what I'm up to and what I'm capable of and overall, left feeling lighter, like I shed an old skin and stepped onto a new alternate Leigh-inspired pathway."

    Jon M.

  • "This is the first time I've had someone clearly reflect back to me the pieces that make me ME in such a thoughtful and concise way. It's really incredible to be able to articulate myself as a human in "brand" language. It helps me to better understand what makes me tick and helps orient my thoughts about the business I'm building."

    Natalie J

  • "I loved the reminders of childhood, my innate gifts and digging into the core of who I am first. This served as the perfect pathway into what I’m meant to be doing here."

    Stephanie C.

  • “Through Leigh’s support, I have regained the trust within myself to pursue my most meaningful work in life.”

    Vanessa J.

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No more searching. No more seeking. Get the perspective and clarity you need to inspire action toward a deeply fulfilling life.