About Leigh

My Story

Career has always been at the forefront of my adult life. I’ve worked hard, driven by a sense that I was meant for greatness. To some extent, I attribute my ambition to watching my dad—as an executive at a Fortune 500 company, he earned success and respect, but he was under immense pressure. I believe this stress contributed to his tragic passing when I was 17.

When I took on a Director of Operations role at 24, I started seeing the same kind of pressure in myself that I witnessed in my dad, so I became deeply curious about whether it was possible to lead from a place of inner harmony and wholeness.

Over the next decade, alongside my work scaling two branding and marketing agencies, I got certified in breathwork, Internal Family Systems, hypnotherapy and coaching and worked with many individuals on creating inner clarity and harmony, paving the way for their greatest ambitions.

I thought one day I would leave the world of business for the world of well-being, but it never felt right. I loved brand strategy. I love unearthing the soul of a business via the people behind it and capturing their collective identity.

So I integrated my passions and skillsets. I went independent and turned my focus to working with soulful entrepreneurs, helping them get to the heart of their sacred purpose and communicating their essence and craft in a way that resonates deeply with those they wish to serve.

I envision a world where every individual is clear on their nature—their gifts, their passions and the world they wish to create. I can think of nothing more worthwhile than facilitating clarity and helping you create success in the great work of your life.

Leigh Maneri Breathwork

My Purpose

To study the nature of people (and life) and share what I see to inspire harmony in our inner and outer ecosystems.

I spent much of my time as a child studying frogs and insects, talking peers through challenging times and writing. I grew to love using words to unravel the deep truths of nature and our nature as people. When I landed in the branding and marketing space, I found a focused intention for these innate gifts—helping leaders of all kinds understand their nature and guiding them into their next chapter.

My Mantras

Follow Your Enthusiasm

The word "enthusiasm" comes from a Greek word that literally means "inspired by God." Your enthusiasm holds the breadcrumbs to your divine nature.

Nature Knows

The ecosystems—biological and psychic—within and around us are all reflections of one other. If we wish to understand ourselves, we only need to look to nature.

Start With Why

Knowing your WHY is key to understanding your identity. Your identity is the cornerstone of your habits. Your habits are the cornerstone of your life.

✦ Career

My Path to Soul Strategy

Before becoming The Soul Strategist, I honed my craft with hundreds of clients in the fast-paced world of creative agencies.

  • Successfully scaled two branding and marketing agencies, gaining invaluable insights into business growth and strategy

  • Led brand strategy and crafted compelling narratives for some of the world's leading resorts and destinations

  • Facilitated purpose workshops with C-suite leaders, helping them align their personal values with their corporate missions

  • Wore many hats—from Content Marketing Director to Chief of Staff—always maintaining a deep connection to brand strategy

✦ Continuing Education

Tools for Transformation

  • iPEC

    320+ hours of coach training and practicum, including certification to facilitate the Energy Leadership Index.

  • Our Breath Collective

    Rigorous multi-disciplinary breathwork training for harnessing the power of breath in pursuit of physical, mental and spiritual optimization.

  • IFS Institute

    A deep dive on the foundations of IFS, including working with sub-personalities and how to access Self — the calm, confident and creative core of every human.

  • Grace Space Hypnotherapy School

    250+ Hours of both foundational and advanced hypnotherapy education under the tutelage of renowned Hypnotherapist Grace Smith. This was a beautiful education in how our subconscious leads our life and how to work through subconscious blocks with clients.

Elizabeth Gilbert

“Do whatever brings you to life. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”